Kingdom Impact in Your Community

Walking in His Footsteps with Gerrylynn Ferguson

On Monday, I had the great honor to chat with two dear friends: Myles Hanson & Gerrylynn Ferguson!

The second hour with Gerrylynn Ferguson, we focused on making a kingdom impact in our communities.

Gerrylynn also shared insights on clarifying God’s call for your life and how to leave a lasting legacy in your community:

THIS Monday, Oct. 26, 7-9 PM Central Time, I’ll have Tom & Sue Rice of Great Marriages for Sheboygan County, sharing their wisdom and experience from 50 years of a joyful marriage!

Tom & Sue Rice on their wedding day (a few years ago) — I’m sure it feels like yesterday!
Tom & Sue Rice on their wedding day (a few years ago) —
I’m sure it feels like yesterday! 🙂 

Tune in live at!

You can catch videos of past episodes here:

Aerial photo of a neighborhood in Haiti
Aerial photo of a neighborhood in Haiti
by Kelly Lacy on

Something I’ve Never Done Before

Growing up, our parents would often send us to camp or on field trips with disposable, single-use cameras. I remember the excitement of waiting for the film to be developed and ready for pick up!

As I prepared a message from Hebrews 11 this Sunday (6/14), “Something I’ve Never Done Before,” part of a series called Incredible Faith, I reflected on the power of remembering that pictures provide us…

I took a walk down Memory Lane with a photo album, I dug out of a storage bin.

As a kid, I think I looked so longingly toward getting those pictures developed, because they allowed me to remember and to retell the stories!

What are some family pictures that are most meaningful to you and your loved ones?

What memories do you plan to hold onto, as long as you live? Are there any that you hope to retell in eternity?

As a kid, I think I looked so longingly toward getting pictures developed, because they allowed me to remember and to retell the stories!

Photo by Magdalena from StockSnap

Wounds from a Father: our journey toward healing & honor

I was grateful to share a Father’s Day message called: “Wounds from a Father: our journey toward healing & honor” at Bethany in La Crosse.

While I was prayerfully considering what message to share with a church family, experiencing some pain in transition, I connected with our FLD Church Leadership Catalyst Brian Thorstad.  Brian encouraged me to acknowledge the elephant in the room and to share a potentially challenging but healing message.

Heartfelt chats, tears, and prayer with dear ones between worship services confirmed the truth in Brian’s wise counsel.  Sweeping pain under the rug doesn’t help anybody involved.

But actively pursuing healing and choosing honor: well, that can be life changing…

Revival Prayer Principles

I had the opportunity to participate in Hope at the Crossroads, a prayer & community transformation summit hosted by the Sentinel Group in Kansas City, April 25-27, 2019.

My faith was stirred by biblical principles of transforming revival and stories from communities where the Holy Spirit is at work.  These testimonies and truths have become powerful fuel for prayer as we seek Christ’s heart for movements in our region!

“Extraordinary prayer starts with ordinary prayer. As you add extra little by little to the ordinary, it becomes extraordinary!” ~Jim Egli, New Generations

I was reminded of a message I shared on “Revival Principles from Nehemiah.”  May your faith be stirred and your prayer life grow from ordinary into the extraordinary!